Friday, May 30, 2008

the first hello!

Tall , smart and handsome ; Aryan seemed to have everything.
Sophisticated , sensitive and stylish ; Aryan was a delight.
He was talented and bright.A great sense of humour livened up things wherever he went.

Years ago he had moved away and had rejoined his old school after a few years .
Not only it was a an educational change for him ,it was also a culture shock ! He was not really used to so many rules and regulations.He began to break some of them and challenge those who had imposed them .It was simply for the want of anything better to do.When he was reprimanded ,he began to feel hurt ;to counter his feeling hurt ,he began to create a distance between himself and other people .He was also not used to such a void in his life that was a result of the lack of music in his life.In his last school he had been the member of a rock band.

Music fulfilled him.It was part of his identity ...who he was.
Now without music he was lost.He became quiet an introvert keeping withinhis circle of close friends.He became less confident of his own self.He did not want any more to expose his innermost feelings to anyone so this sensitive young boy cloaked his true nature behind a veil of aloofness.He lived with his new self for such along time that he began to feel comfortable in his new skin.

Aryan was truly a star but he hid his brilliace from everyone.... including himself !
A boy whose greatest pleasure once lay in being onstage and playing the drums began to fear being on stage.It was such a gradual change that no body saw it or commented on it.Even those closest to him took his laidback nature for granted.He took an interest in everything but from a distance.....emotional ,physical & intellectual distance.Even this way he could not turn himself in a nobody.The twinkle in his eye and the shyness of his spontaneous grin would act like a magnet !

Even now he was popular and well liked.He was pushed again and again to take centre stage.
One fine day he realized that he was to speak a few words on the stage.He was ok till he realised that he was afraid to hold the mic and say those few words .Ironic...the boy who could once hold an audience enthralled could not now even hold a mic!

Public speaking is a brave thing ...always.But this time it was even a braver thing as this teenager fought against his very own personal hesitations and mind blocks .He understood that he had travelled a long distance and lost the sense of his true self.From that day he began the journey that he was to undertake to regain his own confident and live-wire self.
Aryan took the first step .He went walked to the center of the stage , picked up the mic and spoke.....his first hello to his new self!
He would go on to speak ....sing ...and play his beloved drums too...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

realy...1c i started reading ur post...n so into dem...
u ryt real nyc stuff lady :)