He is a person of many attributes...many dimensions...capable of many things...and he has yet to discover all that he is capable of.He s witty and smart.Arnie is passionate about music,he strums a guitar & he s a vocalist.In his hometown ,community and family ; it is not really hot.What matters is that he take a profession that is sensible & staid.He 's meant for a rich life,not only a cash -rich life,but a life rich in variety..diversity ...talents...interests and attributes.A real life...not one in which ascholar may cloister himself with books and books alone!
However the community,society & family tells him this again and again...A passion is not appreciated but a regular routine paying job is....Now what will he do.?
What choice will he make?
What choice will he make?
Giving up music means giving up a passion ...a dream ; not giving up would mean bringing sadness and insecurity to those who love him; pursuing both would mean drawing up on a lot of courage...emotional,physical& spiritual.So will it be his passion or his family that he will put first or find a way to balance them both?
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