Let me tell you who he is...
A young boy who would get out of bed or from his favourite sofa only when his favourite snack would run out of easy access,then he would take a few lazy steps to the family refrigerator ,gather his supplies only to trudge back to his sofa & settle in front of the TV.
He went to school without the requisite text books but armed with all kinds of candy!
He would make fun of all that he could with a sharp witty humour...for inspite of all his efforts to hide it ,his fine intellect would show.Beneath the cynical exterior ,there was a rich mind ,an idelistic temperament & a quite emotion.
An emotion that would encompass not only his immediate friends & family but also all his countrymen...his nation.
The spark was there...
It was yet to turn into flame...
One day he encountered himself...he asked himself ...it was at the age of sixteen..when the rest of his schoolmates were acting silly over girls , i pods & boozing.
This is what he had to say..
Am i only that i seem to myself and to others?Why is it that i am concerned over larger issues ?Why am i not like the others who can not look beyond themselves?
Why cant i just let go ..not think the way i think?
.....If i can be myself...passionate,patriotic,real....really myself.
After days of agonising over it,thinking and thinking some more,he straightened out the intricacies of his own mind.From now on he would be ..the person he was meant to be.
Ashwin worked out like crazy...gave up on the candies he loved so much...he knew that he was going to serve his nation ,his people & his idealism.
He did exactly what he sat out to do,It took a lot of determination,courage & hard work.
The boy who would be a man..and an officer & a gentleman!
so i call him...my hero..
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