Friday, May 7, 2010

The Symphony Of Life

The good with the bad..
The beautiful with the ugly..
The happiness with the sorrow..
The success with the failure...

Saturday, May 1, 2010

her father's daughter!

Saba was sad.Sad ,distressed and weary.Days rolled into weeks ,weeks into months , months that stretched on.
Sad and weary.

She knew that she was her father's daughter.She knew she will neither give in nor give up.
Struggle was in her soul but she was soul weary of struggle.What would she not do for a little peace...peace of mind ...peace of soul.

Night after night , she sat with her father ,whose suffering she could neither bear nor ease.Day after day ,she toiled at her desk ,so that she could protect the legacy so dear to her.

She could not go on.She could not go on.She would not go on.
She broke down..alone ,helpless, after all she was just a woman trying to cope.Why was it that her life was never easy ?

Why did her burden never ease? Will it ever?

She wanted to walk away without looking back ..
She wanted to give up this daily struggle...
Forever...for good.
A knock on the door , papers to be signed,decisions to be taken,people depending upon her.
When she opened the door ,she was dry-eyed with her trademark serene smile in place...
She knew in her heart and soul that..she was her father's daughter.
A winner.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Two Frogs - Inspirational Story

this is one story i have always liked..
this is something i believe in..
inspiration through words...simple words..strong words ..meaningful words..
Always believe in what you do...and DO YOUR THING!

Friday, April 16, 2010

speaking of love..

to say i love you..

to yourself.

with faith and acceptance

to look in the mirror , find yourself just the way you are with all the flaws ,imperfections and self doubts..

to look within your heart,to know who you are truly ,within you,deep inside you heart of hearts..

and to say..

i love you ,and mean it too.

to say i love you...

to the one you love.

with no desire for reciprocation , with no fear of retribution ,with no ego and no pride..

to look outside yourself , to be clear in simplicity and honesty, straight from the innermost reaches of true emotion..

to say..

i love you ..

and mean it too.. that requires the greatest courage ever ..

Wednesday, April 14, 2010 you..

If you could dream it will be..
If you could want it will be

It is all about desire...the desire within you..


Believe in good things... because they bring happiness.
Believe in happiness...because it is a possiblity.
Believe in possibilites...because they are born out of dreams.
Believe in dreams..because they come true.
Believe in truth...because it is peace.
Believe in peace....because it springs out of love.
Believe in love...because it is within you.
Believe in you..because i do....

Somebodys Angel Poem

i read it...i was just so fits in with my philosophy of life..
Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Fair Play means Respect!!...

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Friday, April 2, 2010

A sip and no more.

No, they said.
Just a sip and no more.

My family , she thought..
Always ready to tell her what to do as if she had no wishes ,no desires and worst of all ,not even a mind of her own.

It wasn't true.She was the best judge of what was good for her and she needed no advice.

No ..never.All the years of having being dictated to rose like an occean around her as if she would be drowned.The frequently repeated words crashed like waves in her ears and she was drowning .She was overcome...all those words came crashing down ..she could hear nothing.

She could hear nothing.
Except a voice in her own head.
Do as you please , as you wish.
Be who you are and not who they want you to be...
Just a sip ...she said...and she would lift her be who she is..because she knows best..
just a sip!

A sip and no more.

No...he said.
Just a sip , they said.
My friends , my life..he thought.

All they want to have is a good time whichever way they can. I am no different .And that is the essence of being young ,and being in college ,and being part of such a vibrant group of people.
Study hard and party harder..

Last day of the semester..last party of the session..time to have a good time.We are in agreement.
Except i want to know when i am having a good time .
i don't drink...
My life ,my decision,my way of having fun..excitement pounds in my veins..drunk on life! That's my high... i won't drink..
They said...just a sip and no more..
No...he said...a winner i say..

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


soul mates no more soul mates , by choice and by design.

soul mates , for the want of an exact word , because there is no word that describes them.

They were not friends ,no ,not really.No .They were not friends. Their station in life separated them.Age separated them.Experience separated them.Somehow....however they had been able to understand each other across the barriers of age ,gender and biases that society imposes upon all.

He could recall a life when they had not even known each other.He could also recall how lacklustre that life had been as if that was not even life.Since they had known each other, life had found its own rhythm.He could hardly recall a waking moment that had gone unshared.

Words or no words ,communication was the key, a random conversation here..a phone call there..a stray text on an odd evening...yet she had always had this uncanny ability to read his mind .When he felt low ,she could cheer him up with a silly story.When he felt bad ,she could make him smile in spite of all that was not going his way.When he was on top of the world ,she was his one woman cheering squad.When he was successful,she could say a wise word and make him find the right perspective.

She found it easy to believe in him and he found it easier to bring all her beliefs to fruition.

She found it possible to dream dreams for him and he found it possible to dream the same dreams along with .She had found that it was simple and easy to love another person without complexity...without ego..without pride .

It was a unique equation.It was a strange understanding....

A beautiful relationship , in fact it was so unique that no one apart from these two would ever understand it.Even these two did not understand it.

They were not lovers.They were not friends.They were not even related.

They were ...probably not even aware of a need to classify their relationship.
This odd strange and unique relationship...had they even tried to classify and categorize it ,it would have beaten was so.

It could not always be so.Life makes its own demands.The demand was made...
Work..time...assorted commitments..days turned into months, months into years..
Torn asunder or time to move on...
No tears shed, no words said as she bid him goodbye in her soul alone..
goodbye....soulmate....soulmate no more.

Monday, March 15, 2010

study some more..

School was about to get over..
And Darren knew not what to do..
His parents were clear what they wanted him to do..his friends were sure what the felt he should do..even his teachers were assured of his capabilities and future possibilities..
Witty , with a superb sense of humour , and a command of the spoken as well as the writen word ,how could he be at a loss for words.
Yet he a loss for words that would put his thoughts in order...that would allow him to find expression in the chaos that reigned within him.
should he listen to his friends who believed that his potential was immense ,that his mind could always win over matter...that his confidence could not fail to win him kudos wherever he would go and whatever he would do...
should he listen to his teachers who believed that it was easy for him to learn and train for a profession that would focus the public eye on him...combining his innate skill for language and presentation...
should he listen to his parents ,his mother who had had such a tough life that he remained the sole source of joy for her..his father who had worked so hard that he should not want for anything , or his grandmother who needed to be taught a thing or too.

Finally ..what was it that he wanted for himself..
The discipline and dilligence of the engineering school or the glamour and the thrill of media..
chaos and a sleepless night..dreams...nightmares..
yet one face floated up to him out of his chaotic dreams..
his mother's.
and he knew...what morning would bring to him..he would first think of her and than himself..
winner..that he is.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

speaking out..

no story.. just a thought..the most courageous thing in this world is to share feelings..

to convey what you feel..truly ...deeply....even writing poetry..honestly.

kya pathar dil hai yeh shahar

koi rasta tumhari khabar

nahi deta..
jala do ise...

kyun sard aansu yeh

dil hai ke barf hai

kohre me dooba kissa dil suna deta hai

pighla do ise..