all human being are the are their actions.actions that are not born out of fear ,desperation and need....but those that are ACTS OF COURAGE...
Friday, May 30, 2008
the first hello!
Sophisticated , sensitive and stylish ; Aryan was a delight.
He was talented and bright.A great sense of humour livened up things wherever he went.
Years ago he had moved away and had rejoined his old school after a few years .
Not only it was a an educational change for him ,it was also a culture shock ! He was not really used to so many rules and regulations.He began to break some of them and challenge those who had imposed them .It was simply for the want of anything better to do.When he was reprimanded ,he began to feel hurt ;to counter his feeling hurt ,he began to create a distance between himself and other people .He was also not used to such a void in his life that was a result of the lack of music in his life.In his last school he had been the member of a rock band.
Music fulfilled him.It was part of his identity ...who he was.
Now without music he was lost.He became quiet an introvert keeping withinhis circle of close friends.He became less confident of his own self.He did not want any more to expose his innermost feelings to anyone so this sensitive young boy cloaked his true nature behind a veil of aloofness.He lived with his new self for such along time that he began to feel comfortable in his new skin.
Aryan was truly a star but he hid his brilliace from everyone.... including himself !
A boy whose greatest pleasure once lay in being onstage and playing the drums began to fear being on stage.It was such a gradual change that no body saw it or commented on it.Even those closest to him took his laidback nature for granted.He took an interest in everything but from a distance.....emotional ,physical & intellectual distance.Even this way he could not turn himself in a nobody.The twinkle in his eye and the shyness of his spontaneous grin would act like a magnet !
Even now he was popular and well liked.He was pushed again and again to take centre stage.
One fine day he realized that he was to speak a few words on the stage.He was ok till he realised that he was afraid to hold the mic and say those few words .Ironic...the boy who could once hold an audience enthralled could not now even hold a mic!
Public speaking is a brave thing ...always.But this time it was even a braver thing as this teenager fought against his very own personal hesitations and mind blocks .He understood that he had travelled a long distance and lost the sense of his true self.From that day he began the journey that he was to undertake to regain his own confident and live-wire self.
Aryan took the first step .He went walked to the center of the stage , picked up the mic and spoke.....his first hello to his new self!
He would go on to speak ....sing ...and play his beloved drums too...
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
to propose or not to propose!
He was what one would call a late bloomer.When the boys his age were experiencing the first jolt of their hormones and calling it love for want of a better word, he was experiencing the same feelings ,but he was experiencing them for his first desk top.When boys his age were learning to live with their hormones and experimenting with what they called relationships ,for the want of a word they knew;he was learning the joys and wonders of modern technology.When boys his age were learning to differentiate between love and lust ,he was enjoying learning to differentiate between the subtle nuances of Linux and windows.
Since he was impervious to it all ,the adolescent roller coaster of teenage emotions generated by juvenile feelings passed him by.He grew up to be a young man who knew that the world was full of wonders that one can gaze at !
And wonder of all wonders ,as he began to gaze at the wonders all created by god ,as opposed to wonders created by man ,he realized that that the wonder of all wonders was woman.In fact ,it was one particular woman.
The better he knew her the more fascinated he was , and within a space of a few months he not only covered all the milestones that he had not ; in the last ten years and arrived at what he could classify as love.
Now what?
Vivan went through all his life experience.Nothing had prepared him for this.
He did not know what to do!
Suddenly all was spring ,he began to understand romantic melodies,that god had created every living being in pairs and here was his soul mate ,not looking at him.She looked but did not know all that passed within his heart.
He was plunged into sadness and found no way out.The only way out was to tell her how he felt.That was tough.Clammy palms and sweating brow never did stop a man from reaching his destination.This time it did.
The object of his desire felt that he had suddenly developed a fever and took him to a doctor like the good friend she was.The next day,he managed to find an opportunity again to talk to her .Unfortunately ,he had no romantic language,so his proposal seemed to be an offer for a job or probably a merger,since none of them were yet business tycoons , she offered to take him to a doctor...again! The third day he managed to corner her again ,however the office romeo butted in , and he flirted outrageously with the one he loved and he was ready to kick butt or run away.
Well ,he ran away.
Vivan acknowledged to himself that not only was he scared to speak his mind ,he was also most unprepared for what he could say or do to make the right kind of impact on her.The only thing that offered him comfort was his laptop ,his companion and friend.
Pulling his wits about him he began to compose the first romantic e mail of his life.He grinned as he hit the send button!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
high school blues...

Friday, May 23, 2008
dare to be different !

soon it was time for her to go out in the wide world and learn who she was and what she wanted.She began with her college ,she found enjoyment in the arena of higher studies as well as with a group of new friends who made learning with them so much fun!
And then there was this guy....her friend probably her best friend !
They had so much in common that they could spend hours just talking to each other about the least important things ;as easily they could share the toughest of life's problems.They could be more than friends...truly they could be soul mates. shouldn't be so .Because of reasons beyond ,tradition ,community , society...
One fine day she faced this great dilemma which threatened her very peace.Her very best friend claimed more than fact he wanted it all and a life together.This was a dilemma she had hoped never to face ,now not only she had to face it but resolve it too.
Each path is as difficult to take as the other one ;does she rebel against her family values to embrace a young man from a different religion to hurt her family or does she hurt this young man who feels that the sun rises not in the east but her eyes....
Will she make her heart listen to her soul and force her family to hear it too or will her love be a distant memory ...
both the decisions imply immense courage...

Monday, May 19, 2008
Chasing poverty!
not just about his profession but about the state of the world that we live in.
To create that which is meaningful and make a make a better living possible..not just for himself ,but for the world....
he is a man who holds a dream close to his heart.

He has talent ,zeal & dedication.Three attributes that spell success in any language. in cash and kind.....success as in a materialistic world..
.However he began to roam the world,working in the harshest of conditions ,most of them man made ,began to perceive the suffering and began to understand the global problems . He saw that we lived in a world in which half the people were suffering and the other half were not even aware of it.
This man would not be at rest.In spite of all his difficulties in his personal life,he persists in going to all the troubled and terrible places.Not just because it is a job like any other but because he has the courage of his conviction.He understands that the way out of all human problems lies in creating awareness and bringing information to the uninformed ,the uninitiated & the ignorant.He will do it.

Floods..earthquakes...fires....real human suffering draws him in order to find an expression.
in a world populated mainly by people who are in the rat race to earn cold cash ,here is man chasing poverty in order to make the earth a better place...
i call him a hero..
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
when the earth moved...

She had woken up like any other day,got dressed and had gone to school...and after that....there seemed to be a gap in her memory.
The floor had shook and so had the walls...the windows had shook and so had the doors ...
before she had looked around for her friend,something had hit her and she could not breathe.
She had choked,she could hardly breathe now...
She was afraid..extremely afraid.
She began to cry...after a while when the tears had dried on her dirt streaked wounded face ..she began to think...she was hungry ,thirsty ,in excruciating pain...yet she thought of her mother and her little brother ...where would they be ? She hoped they were safe,she also hoped they were trying to find her.
She was scared but she tried to think of the things which would help her , she was sure there were people outside who were all right and who were looking for her.She knew her mother would not go home without her.She thought of last night 's dinner when she had teased her younger brother.
Chen remembered how she had been laughing at what the teacher had said in the morning.She thought how she would share this with her class....

i call her a hero.
Monday, May 12, 2008
R E W I N D @ G U T S !

The past one year was tough to say the least.She had appeared for her public exams ,handled them well ,scored well , appeared in her competitive exams .She is planning to be an engineer , not an easy task .It means two years of study , than appear in an exam to get into an institute .Than five years of study to earn a degree .Than two years of study to do specialisation.
Definitely not an easy task.But one she was all set for.However it did not happen. She failed to get in an institute of her choice .Now she realised that a vast ocean of indifference stretched between her and the rest of the world..they could not understand her feelings.She was alone, truly alone.When you succeed there are many to share in that success but when you fail ...You stand alone.She floundered in a quicksand of indecisiveness , loneliness and sheer desperation..

"tough luck "said her companions and moved on ,"part of life "said her parents and went about the business of day to day living ,"think of other options now "said her teachers and went about correcting new term papers....
"I will try again "said this determined girl and went about the difficult job of beginning from the scratch.
To try again....implies courage ,determination and will also implies criticism from some derision from also means having an unshakable belief in one's own vision and capabilities.Many a nights she was so scared of future that she could not sleep a wink ; many a days she was so wound up that she was unable to eat a bite .But give up...she would not!
She would not give up....she would not...and that's what makes her a winner in my book.
It does not matter how many times you fall down ,what matters is how many times you get up....for that is true courage !

He was a doer....a fast moving - practical minded - smart -sophisticated doer .
If opposites attract...than yes they did!They spent countless hours together ,talking and talking some more.She was fascinated...he was fascinating ; he was loved...she was loving.
He would speak about beautiful things,she would dream of them.He would speak of passion,she would feel it.He would speak of future , she would imagine it ,in wonder ful vivacious colors.However ,never did he make a promise...but she read so many of them in his not making of them!
It was not to be ,and it wasn't .
He moved on ... not a single tear shed ,the world was full of hearts which were not yet conquered ,he was being true to his own nature.
She could not go on ... not a single day dry-eyed , the world was full of memories which were not yet forgotten, she was being true to her own nature.
From here ,they went their different ways.His way was easy ,hers difficult.She cried for a few days,existed in a dream like state,gave way to day dreams that he would come back to her ,gave up those day dreams and broke her heart all over again.
Courage to live on..alone..find someone else with time..courage to heal herself...courage to forget ...and courage to let go of the past ,to separate the good memories from the stop hurting and to start living..

courage to live with memories...she found it i call her a hero.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
the boy who had to grow up too early.

Saturday, May 10, 2008
the boy who would not be disciplined...

Thursday, May 8, 2008
The sky is the limit !

this not my story
but its a story that wants telling
there was a girl i knew
....i remember her as a shy girl...
let me call her Priya.
She belonged to a very conservative family.A family that was bound to its tradition and values,it was a family that believed that the rightful place of a girl is at home,a family that believed that the girls even though educated should never breakout of the charmed circle of the family.
Priya ,being a good and a sensible girl always went along with the beliefs of her family.She knew they loved her well and wanted just to protect her.While she was living her life being practical ,good and sensible; her heart was unfolding its own dream to her..
Within the core of a heart there was an ambition that fit nowhere in the life that she was brought up to lead,this is what she had to say...neither do i want to be a teacher or a scholar nor an engineer.What i want to do is it possible?
It wasn't possible.There was no other thought in her mind ,no other desire in her heart.All her life she had been a girl who would be accompanied by family wherever she went.Even for school outings she had had to take special permission!
What happened later is what matters most..
Priya was true to her ambition.She flew to the US to learn to fly!
And she would be a pilot...she would fly...

Wednesday, May 7, 2008
The boy who would be a man.

Let me tell you who he is...
A young boy who would get out of bed or from his favourite sofa only when his favourite snack would run out of easy access,then he would take a few lazy steps to the family refrigerator ,gather his supplies only to trudge back to his sofa & settle in front of the TV.
He went to school without the requisite text books but armed with all kinds of candy!
He would make fun of all that he could with a sharp witty humour...for inspite of all his efforts to hide it ,his fine intellect would show.Beneath the cynical exterior ,there was a rich mind ,an idelistic temperament & a quite emotion.
An emotion that would encompass not only his immediate friends & family but also all his countrymen...his nation.
The spark was there...
It was yet to turn into flame...
One day he encountered himself...he asked himself was at the age of sixteen..when the rest of his schoolmates were acting silly over girls , i pods & boozing.
This is what he had to say..
Am i only that i seem to myself and to others?Why is it that i am concerned over larger issues ?Why am i not like the others who can not look beyond themselves?
Why cant i just let go ..not think the way i think?
.....If i can be myself...passionate,patriotic,real....really myself.
After days of agonising over it,thinking and thinking some more,he straightened out the intricacies of his own mind.From now on he would be ..the person he was meant to be.
Ashwin worked out like crazy...gave up on the candies he loved so much...he knew that he was going to serve his nation ,his people & his idealism.
He did exactly what he sat out to do,It took a lot of determination,courage & hard work.
The boy who would be a man..and an officer & a gentleman!
so i call hero..
Tuesday, May 6, 2008


conquering rage...

Monday, May 5, 2008

What choice will he make?
surviving heartache

Sunday, May 4, 2008
A winner all the way...

This is not my story .
let me call it ..
Rob was in grade 10,had managed to avoid parental checks on most occasions and spent his free time with his friends.He became the one who would challenge all his friends to try most new things...things that promised excitement.
It added a zing to an otherwise not so "happening"days.
Before he realized it he became hooked to this high.
Why i call him my hero is because of what happened fine day he found himself at the doctors'

this is what he had to say..
i had almost lost ma lyf..last nyt i was wid friends n we were drinking steadily..i dunno bout 'em but i was high..n i was on dis bike n speedin along da expressway..n it was fun.At least before i crashed it was.
it shouldn't have happened, but it had.i realized somethin there n then.da doc had no cure for me,the only person who had a cure was ME.i needed to lyf n maself,i thought just before i closed ma eyes .i decided to find a way out.some days were bad,nights worst..i had a pain dat refused to go away...but i would not give in.
He was was sometimes on the verge of breaking but he didn't break.
Courage,determination and a belief in his own self...he made it.