Home meant a tenement of dried grass ,unbaked bricks and whatever material came to hand.
a child by age ,an adult by responsibility..she would do all housework ,take care of her younger sister and wait for her parents to come home,both casual labourers.
Probably her life was very tough but she was too busy to have realised it.
While she was out gathering wood for the earthen oven or chulha,she happened to turn back and look back.The sight scorched her eyes.The kaccha hut that was home was in flames.In the arms of those flames was her baby sister,just seven months old.
Neither did she hesitate ,nor think twice.
All thoughts rushed to the little girl inside...and this little girl rushed in ...from the safe outside to the heart of this inferno..
Chhampa rushed into her burning hut to rescue her seven month-old sister. She died trying to save her sibling, who could not escape the fire either.
Chhampa was the recipient of the president's bravery award on the republic day..posthumously.
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