all human being are the are their actions.actions that are not born out of fear ,desperation and need....but those that are ACTS OF COURAGE...
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
The reluctant hero.
It so happened .. It was many years ago that a family waited
for the return ferry to take them back to Mumbai ,then Bombay.
They had spent the day exploring the Elephanta caves.
It had been a day full of laughter and happiness.
Tiring but fun.
The daughter of the family stood a bit apart..
the mother and son together as they looked back at the day.
Suddenly out of nowhere ..a big sturdy ferocious looking bull
charged..and went straight for the girl staring fascinated at
the sea..lost in her thoughts.
As suddenly her father ran to catch the bull by the very horns.
Everything hung in balance for the heartbeat of
that interminable minute.
And the bull was forced to change direction.
Everyone was safe..specially that little girl..
goodbye :lyrics and chords: Airsupply
And i know how hard you try
You deserve to have so much more
I can feel your heart and i sympathize
And i'll never criticize all you've ever meant to my life
I don't want to let you down
I don't want to lead you on
I don't want to hold you back
From where you might belong
( D-F#m-Bm-G-A7)
You would never ask me why
My heart is so disguised
I just can't live a lie anymore
I would rather hurt myself
Than to ever make you cry
There's nothing left to say but good-bye
( D-F#m-Bm-G-A7 )
You deserve the chance at the kind of love
I'm not sure i'm worthy of
Losing you is painful to me
( D-F#m-Bm-G-A7 )
(chorus) you would never ask me why
My heart is so disguised
I just can't live a lie anymore
I would rather hurt myself
Than to ever make you cry
There's nothing left to try
Though it's gonna hurt us both
There's no other way than to say good-bye
at 12:34 PM

Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Monday, May 2, 2011
Don't you hit her.

She would forgive him and carry on.It was now a pattern.
She knew it wasn't right.She knew she should fight.
But she thought continuously of her old and aging
parents who were content that she was a married woman.
She lived .Lonely.Broken .Alone.Conceived.Delivered a child.
When she held her baby in her arms,she felt emotion ..
after a long while ,she felt alive.
Things improved for a while but returned to normal.
Normal meant brutal and violent.Counselling
was out of question.Psychiatric help a dirty phrase.
She was alone in this...all alone.
Once while she attended a call from a colleague ,
the baby began to cry.He picked her up,
the defenseless child and began to shake in
a violent jealous rage,ready to throw her.
Don't you hit her,a scream tore through her mind.
She knew..tomorrow she will walk out...
Divorce.A good word in a bad marriage.Courage

Friday, April 22, 2011
an evening in sonmarg

I had sat down
by a lonely shepherd
in the lush pastures
of sonmarg
under the shadow of
the Thajwas glacier.
He did not say much.
However , i still remember all he said..

It is beautiful..this valley,my home.But it is not easy to live here.
We fight with the elements,it is a tough ride all the way to summer.
And our children,they suffer for there is no school for them ,no college,
no education...our life is uncertain for there is no peace here.
Our home,this valley..we love it..
it has beauty but it has no peace.
What is beauty without peace?
We do not know if our children would live
to see the coming season
or will be stolen away by all the forces here.To face
each day...we do not know how we face one day
after the other..his voice broke shattering
the silence in to a million pieces..
Terrorism and counter terrorism..i understood.

That night the moon was full and i have probably never
seen anything more beautiful then moonlight in Sonmarg.
Was there peace...i do not recall if i slept that night...
Thursday, April 21, 2011
solitary cell and freedom

Born 16th September 1908, Shahpur, Tahala- Etah, U.P.,s/o Kunwar Devi Singh.

Saturday, April 16, 2011
Who are the Fukushima 50?

Friday, April 15, 2011
Eco-logical ....essentially.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011
The girl who grew up to fly.

This is a true story.
This is not my story but mine , perhaps, to tell.
This is about this young woman pilot...who said that it was not about her
but about being part of a team...who said it was about people...
real people who were suffering who were stranded ..
and who deserved to get home.
Libya,2011,strife and trouble and common people caught into the crossfire.
Women and children stranded in the middle of nowhere with not a hope of
getting home.
This is about the glimmer of hope brought to those in distress by this
young woman pilot and similarly minded team of pilots and aircrew
who flew a remarkably long distance to bring them back home.
Rescue Operations for Indians from Libya were continuing and till now
about nine thousands people been brought to India from Libya.
Special flights are being provided from Tripoli,Sebha and from also
Tunisia to bring Indians to their native.Hundreds of peoples came via Dubai .
Chartered flights also been provided from Tunisia to recover the Indians.
The Operation which is known as "Operation Safe Homecoming" began
to evacuate the Indians from Libya.Its been in news that many Indians
are also trying to escape by road to Egypt ,those people been helped by
the Indians official to stay in Cairo and booked flights for them to come
home safely.
The Kingfisher Airlines decided to provide Air crafts to bring people to India.
As this young woman pilot said...
it was about the first smile the rescued children smiled..
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
The story of Ray

Sunday, February 27, 2011
Friday, February 4, 2011
Thursday, February 3, 2011
candle in the wind


Home meant a tenement of dried grass ,unbaked bricks and whatever material came to hand.
a child by age ,an adult by responsibility..she would do all housework ,take care of her younger sister and wait for her parents to come home,both casual labourers.
Probably her life was very tough but she was too busy to have realised it.
While she was out gathering wood for the earthen oven or chulha,she happened to turn back and look back.The sight scorched her eyes.The kaccha hut that was home was in flames.In the arms of those flames was her baby sister,just seven months old.
Neither did she hesitate ,nor think twice.
All thoughts rushed to the little girl inside...and this little girl rushed in ...from the safe outside to the heart of this inferno..
Chhampa rushed into her burning hut to rescue her seven month-old sister. She died trying to save her sibling, who could not escape the fire either.
Chhampa was the recipient of the president's bravery award on the republic day..posthumously.
Shall i call him Brian and get on with my story...a real story.
Brian is smart and intelligent.
Yet he had never done what is called public speaking.
So he said...
Can i do it?
i am nervous ,oh so nervous,what if say something that should not be said,what if i say nothing,just freeze,the questions attacked him from all sides.
Never has one seen such meticulous organisation,such amazing hard work and such clarity of thought....such a war mounted to vanquish the enemy..
Public speaking is a brave thing ...always.But this time it was even a braver thing as this teenager fought against his very own personal hesitations and mind blocks .He understood that he had travelled a long distance and lost the sense of his true self.From that day he began the journey that he was to undertake to begin his own winning journey and all that he had was his live-wire self.Brian took the first step .He walked to the podium and conducted the complete programme flawlessly...single handed.
He simply picked up the mic and spoke.....his first hello to his new self!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
allow me

i came across this statement today.
it came from a very quiet girl in a situation of being a part of dominating relationships...her family and her boy friend ..
however what she said was amazing...
i am what i am.
you can accept me or you can reject me.
that is your prerogative and your preference.
you can like me or dislike me.i have no say in the matter...
you can love me or hate me..
however you must accept me the way i am.
you can not change me.
if you can not accept me the way i want to be 'me'
allow me to walk away.
never having spoken up before...her voice initially timid..
grew in strength..
Sunday, January 16, 2011
the soul of it all

diving the deep sea
climbing the highest mountain
battling the elements
battling within
doing more than that is required
loving with all you have
fighting illness
without and within
crying honest
killing toxicity
saying yes
to life
the soul of it all..
Saturday, January 15, 2011
an angel
i guess
are mine
with your
drinking and smoking
with your
wild and weird ways
with your
crazy streak of thought
in your
own wicked daze
in devil's charm
cool yet warm
night and day
all that you say
your voice
your voice
it strikes my heart
enters deep inside
heady as wine
you are for me
sun shine
i guess
everyone has their own personal angel
i know
are mine!
Friday, January 14, 2011
you and i

the sea would storm and splatter
the stars would break in a million pieces
shoot across the living room terrace
the glass of the lamp burning so steadily would explode
i expected so..
the stars threw their flares across the ceiling but quietly
and quiet stayed the sky
no one shared
the moment
but you and i....
i would have dreamed this night away
stepping barefoot on the wet grass
walking the winding streets
singing the wold my heart my love my song
touch a star
ask for an impossible dream
that holds me togather
deep that would stay
The moment of truth
time and age would separate us life would drive a wedge between your heart and mine
i could i assume
i could share love with you
i could share more..
but you being you
i being i
it would never be so
these moments
change to dust
and not a single eye would shed a single tear
no heart would ever miss a single beat
and it will be as it as it must
right here right now we will dream a single dream
of better things
when these dreams are but faint memories
we will smile a twisted smile
say it was so
but for a while
wonder perhaps
is this the moment of truth...
or was that the one
tell ourselves
truth is not easy..neither is love.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
the unsaid.
say ever more than whatever is said
luncheons dinners teas cocktails empty chatter
filling up moments cover naked faces
bridge unbridgeable roads fill vacant spaces
to lie to cheat to beat time
hold meaningless smiles in correct places
so it doesn't slip and doesn't say
whatever be the price ready to pay
hide hide and never find
stay hidden in words we never say...
it happens to all of us
these crying eyes shuttered in their fears
we believe
this moment we hold so dear
will never be lost
this smile that is now will always be
from a closed fist sand slipping away
these moments vanish without a trace
and we are
like others
we realize
it happens
but after
a mirror that reflects
later...dimly the crying eyes...
it happens to all of us.