Monday, March 15, 2010

study some more..

School was about to get over..
And Darren knew not what to do..
His parents were clear what they wanted him to do..his friends were sure what the felt he should do..even his teachers were assured of his capabilities and future possibilities..
Witty , with a superb sense of humour , and a command of the spoken as well as the writen word ,how could he be at a loss for words.
Yet he a loss for words that would put his thoughts in order...that would allow him to find expression in the chaos that reigned within him.
should he listen to his friends who believed that his potential was immense ,that his mind could always win over matter...that his confidence could not fail to win him kudos wherever he would go and whatever he would do...
should he listen to his teachers who believed that it was easy for him to learn and train for a profession that would focus the public eye on him...combining his innate skill for language and presentation...
should he listen to his parents ,his mother who had had such a tough life that he remained the sole source of joy for her..his father who had worked so hard that he should not want for anything , or his grandmother who needed to be taught a thing or too.

Finally ..what was it that he wanted for himself..
The discipline and dilligence of the engineering school or the glamour and the thrill of media..
chaos and a sleepless night..dreams...nightmares..
yet one face floated up to him out of his chaotic dreams..
his mother's.
and he knew...what morning would bring to him..he would first think of her and than himself..
winner..that he is.

1 comment:

Rajat Arora said...

I wanted to comment on this situation, but I ended up typing a lot of "should"'s..
The guy 'should' have done that...
His parents 'should' do this...

Naah.. that's not it. I'm still trying to figure out what to say here..