His life flashes in his mind..all clear images...
The day he topped class V and his class teacher told his parents what a genius he was..
The day he won his first debate competition and the principal of his school announced his name in the assembly...
The day he represented his school in an all state championship and came back holding aloft his trophy...
The day his public examination result had been announced and he had easily topped..
The day he was elected to the school s student council and the whole whole school had chanted his name as a mantra...
and now tonight.
The night that would bring a disappointment.
The night that would stretch from here to eternity and there will be the stretch of an eternity between all his dreams and all that his life was meant to be.
A night of broken dreams...
He had aspired .......the awaited key to unlock his future as an engineer remained out of his reach.
It had eluded him and his dream to fulfils his parents dream remained as elusive.
Hurting....heartbroken...tears of blood and sweat...
However tonight was tonight but tomorrow...
Tomorrow is another day....he resolved...a winner's resolve...
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